Astrologer in Training – Graduation Day

by Cindy Fadoir

HeadPIC_astrologyIt’s June and that means Graduation Day for many people. Whether it’s a graduation from High School or University, it’s a time for people to ponder the future as they embark on their careers. The question is, how can Astrology assist in this process? How can Astrology help us choose our careers? It’s not always obvious by our Sun signs but that is a good place to start.

Knowing the astrology of one’s natal chart assists one to play to their strengths. The following are strong career possibilities based on one’s Sun sign:

Aries – Fire – Cardinal: Aries love to initiate new projects and is great in a leadership and entrepreneurial role. A project has a chance of successful completion only if this Aries is passionate about it. They have a good head for business but also do well in armed forces, engineering and electronics. Because Aries rules the head, they may also do well in psychiatry and dentistry, Aries love physical movement and speed so a career in physical education, sports management and medicine, or as athlete, dancer or race car driver.

Taurus – Earth – Fixed: Taurus has a deep connection with the earth and love of substance may lead to careers in farming, land scape architecture, food industry, construction, and anything to do with money, as in banking, financial advising, economists, business. Beauty and form are also important to Taurus, so becoming an artist, jewelry maker, architect, or musician, especially singer.

Gemini – Air – Mutable: As an Air sign, they are driven by their intellect. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini do well in the communication field, writing, publishing, advertising, counseling. editing and sales. As a mutable sign, Gemini crave versatility and change which can lead to careers in commercial travel, navigation, civil engineer. Also, they may hold more than one job and might be a jack-of-all-trades.

Cancer – Water – Cardinal: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are the Zodiac mother. They are uniquely suited for a career as a nurturer, nurse, home-maker, nanny, teacher, chef, gynecologist. Their emotional sensitivities and intuition allow them to excel at counseling, psychiatry, social work, real estate, sales, and as psychic healers. Gemini’s love of water also may result in careers as fisherman, boat builders, plumbers, swimmers and sailors.

Leo – Fire – Fixed: Leos are ruled by the Sun and they love to be center stage and in the public eye. Their charisma makes them natural actors, performers, politicians, teachers, fund raisers, sales persons and leaders. They do well in industries having to do with substance, luxury, glamour, precious gems and gold. Leo rules the heart, so Leos make excel cardiologists and heart specialists.

Virgo – Earth – Mutable: Virgos are related to routine jobs, health and service. They do well in social work, hospitals, hospice, medicine, health care, service industry, nutrition, public health and teaching. They are very analytical and efficient. They do well as scientists, analysts, statisticians, astrologers, personal assistants, accountants, inspectors, critics, specialists. They also do well as waiters, clerks, maids/butlers, sanitation workers and dental hygienists.

Libra – Air – Cardinal: Libras love balance, justice and harmony so they will do well as a lawyer, marriage counselor, negotiator, diplomat, wedding coordinator, accountant, photographer, editor or matchmaker. Their innate good taste may also lead to becoming a florist, interior designer, artist, architect, fashion designer, cosmetologist, image consultant, beautician, musician, or model.

Scorpio – Water – Fixed: Scorpios are truth seekers, uncovering what is hidden. This can lead to a career as detective, journalist, researchers, psychologist, medical professional or spy. Add their extensive intuition and they make excellent psychics, astrologers, occultists and mediums. Scorpios may also be drawn to any career dealing with death, sea and water, such as undertaker, cemetery worker, sex therapy, midwifery, past life counselor, scuba divers, submarine operator.

Sagittarius – Air – Mutable: Sagittarius’ love of higher learning and foreign travel can lead to a career as a professor, researcher, metaphysical writer, lawyer, entrepreneur, actor, philosopher, customs agents, theologian, airline pilot, astronaut, publisher, preacher, guru, importer/exporter, travel guide, spiritual counselor or traveling salesperson. Their also may enjoy careers having to do with horses and sports.

Capricorn – Earth – Cardinal: Capricorn is associated with corporate and government bureaucracy can lead to careers as a politician, administrator, entrepreneur, planner, civil servant, business manager, school principal, wardens, manufacturer, teacher or law enforcement officer. The Earth element can lead to careers in building, construction, engineering, geology or architecture. Capricorns also make good chiropractors, osteopaths and dentists.

Aquarius – Air – Fixed: Aquarius is the sign of invention and humanity. This, combined with the Air element, may lead to careers as a scientist, researcher, humanitarian, inventor, quantum physicist, sociologist, solar engineer, astronaut, psychologists, aviators, parachutist, futures trader, archeologist or ecologist. Their eccentric nature may also make them great filmmakers, actors, clairvoyants, artist, fiction writers, psychics, electricians, astrologers and revolutionaries.

Pisces – Water – Mutable: Pisces are highly empathic, compassionate and artistic. This may lead to a career as a spiritual counselor, artist, faith healer, actor, nun, psychic, monk, mystic, psychologist, physician, medium, scientist, poet, photographer, writer, charity organizer, volunteer, nurse or entertainer. Their link to addiction suits them well to becoming a psychiatrist, counselor, scientist, or hypnotist. Their water connection may lead to being a sailor, fishmonger or oceanographer.

The natal chart holds many more clues as to career possibilities. Besides the Sun sign, one might also look to planets in the practical, Earth based Houses. The Second House for the basics of what you value. The Sixth House for routine jobs, especially related to health care. And the Tenth House for career and vocation. Signs on the cusps of these house as well as the planets within each house can add depth to this discussion of career potential.

Happy Graduation Day. Until we meet again, may the Sun warm your fields and the Stars steer you home safely.


learn more about Cindy Fadoir  here . . .

this article will also appear in Star Nations Magazine (

Astrologer in Training – The New President (Part 3)

by Cindy Fadoir
Donald_Trump_Laconia_Rally,_Laconia,_NH_4_by_Michael_Vadon_July_16_2015_19 (1)This is the third and last installment of understanding the chart of Donald Trump, the New President of the United States of America. I resist writing this, leaving it to the last minute. As much as I love learning the astrological reasoning behind this man’s demeanor, I resist knowing him at all. Why? I believe it’s because it puts a mirror up to myself to see where I am like him, where I am projecting my own misgivings onto him. Where am I also arrogant, impulsive, tactless and prejudice? I must respect that, right or wrong, he is taking a stand and trying to do something powerful. We may look back one day to see him as a great catalyst for change and unity. He has definitely sparked candid discussion and awareness.

trumps-chartTo recap the two previous articles, this natal chart shows a Gemini Sun and a Leo Ascendant as well as many other planets in both signs. The Sun being the inner soul and the Ascendant being the face he shows the world. The Leo Ascendant shows the proud Lion protecting their lair. They are determined, unchanging, standing royally firm to their beliefs and opinions. Mix that with Gemini Sun inquisitiveness resulting in questioning everything, even their own opinions, causing potential inconsistencies in their communications over time. Gemini are financially resourceful and Leos love to live large and, fortunately, are ambitious enough to support such a lifestyle. Gemini are often fair but tan easily, energetic and wiry. They have fair hair, slender arms and graceful hands. Leos have luxurious manes and resonate voices. Leos also display a sense of cockiness and an air of superiority and arrogance. Gemini says “I think” and Leo says “I will”. I believe these all describe the new President very well.

The President’s chart also shows Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all in Cancer. His Neptune and Chiron are in Libra and his Moon is in Sagittarius. Below is further discussion regarding these placements as reported in previous articles, along with various Aspects explained.

Mercury in Cancer: Mercury influences how we think, study and communicate. With Mercury in Cancer, the memory, imagination and intuitions are heightened, possibly overly so. Living in the past is shaded with emotional memories resulting in sensitivity.

Venus in Cancer: Venus represents how we relate, what we value, how we handle finances, and our artistic nature. When Venus aligns with Cancer, security is valued and represented through home, marriage and family ties. Spendthrifts and savers may also be clingy, emotionally possessive.

Saturn in Cancer: Saturn is an expression of how we deal with authority and cope with serious issues personally, spiritually and societally. Saturn in the sign of Cancer results in protective boundaries for loved ones and finances. Emotional security is greatly desired and, if denied, can lead to depression and moodiness. Intuition is somewhat stifled.

Neptune in Libra: Neptune represents how we reveal our imagination and intuition and where our illusionary blind spots exist. With the watery Neptune in the airy sign of Libra, a generation is influenced to see marriage as an interdependent unity. Deception and delusions threaten romantic love. Peace is sought and fought for during wartimes.

Chiron in Libra: Chiron in Libra represents a wound in relationship to others, whether a rejection or codependence. Healing may come through grounding, balance and self-acceptance.

Moon in Sagittarius: When the natal moon appears in Sagittarius, emotions are expressed intellectually, confidently and optimistically. There is a great need for emotional independence. Security is sensed when a right path is chosen, until restlessness drives the search for another path, a greener pasture, possibly in foreign lands. Your gifts are gratitude, cheerfulness, connection with nature, international curiosity and honesty.

Moon Aspects:

Born near a full moon, his Sun is opposite his Moon, which can show difficulties with the people he deals with. He has a natural conflict between his ego and his emotions. This opposition can lead to impulsive acts followed by anguish and regret that the action was ill-advised.

His Moon is opposite his Uranus which allows for brilliance but “impulse control may be an abstract concept” per Heather Roan Robbins in Moon Wisdom. Robbins goes on to explain that one with Moon opposite Uranus can react so fast, people don’t feel listened to and heard. Also, one “can jump to conclusions and sound arrogant, whether or not you know what you are talking about.” One is “brilliant in an emergency but anxious when things get boring and stable.”

His Moon is trine to his Mars which adds power and assertiveness to his chart. Robbins also writes in Moon Wisdom that this placement tends to run roughshod over less assertive types, while still advocating for the weak and being comfortable with strong women

Mercury Square Neptune: This aspect may cause imagination to get in way of logic, resulting in a distorted sense of reality, becoming an escapist and fear of responsibility. Extreme sensitivity exaggerates superficial problems. Learn to focus on one thing at a time, otherwise too many interests will bring out weakness. Best to involve self in activities that serve others.


I believe it’s the planets in Gemini that give the President has strong family ties, as shown with his leaving his business to his sons and bringing his daughter and son-in-law his political circle. His Moon in Sagittarius supports the global nature of his business as well as his presidency.

He has his sun and many planets in the 10th House which is the house of Career, Purpose and Public Life. This is the Corporate and Big Government house. Adding his Leo Ascendant, it is no surprise that he would seek the most powerful public position in the country.

As I stated earlier, we may look back one day to see this President as a great catalyst for change. He has sparked discussion and awareness. The unity will come from us. If we think he is not listening to us, then it falls to us to listen to each other, coming together to show him what unity is. In the meantime, how are you like him??

Until next time, I repeat the sentiment: may the Sun shine optimistically and the Stars guide us to peace and tolerance.


read more about Cindy Fadoir here . . .

This article can also be seen in Star Nations Magazine (

Astrologer in Training – The New President (Part 2)

by Cindy Fadoir

Leo by Anna Blanchard

Leo by Anna Blanchard

We continue this month our review of the Zodiac Natal chart of the new President of the United States of America. The chart has some significant Zodiac placements in the sing of Leo, including his Ascendant or Rising Sign, his Mars and his Pluto. His Mars is conjunct his Ascendant which strengthens the protective and aggressive warrior aspects of Leo. These planets also contribute to his having an over-abundance of the Fire element in his chart. Per a previous article, too much fire can result in over confidence, tendency to burn out easily, restlessness, impulsiveness, acting at all cost. Too much fire can be offset by air and water elements in the chart. Below is further discussion regarding these three placements in Leo as reported in previous articles.

trumps-chartMars in Leo: Mars relates to our physical stamina and sex drive, and how we use energy. The Mars in Leo shows up in having a great love of life and a full, rewarding sex life. This pairing is dramatically assertive resulting in quick tempers and attraction to power.

Pluto in Leo: Pluto influences how we personally transform and regenerate. When Pluto aligned with Leo in 1937 through 1957, the desire for individualized self as apart from the collective was increased, domination and power are highlighted. The “me generation” was born, World War II occurs, the United Nations were formed. Individuals work extremely well for the common good but can become power hungry.

Ascendant/Rising Sign in Leo is characterized as being dramatic, prideful and ambitious. Since the Leo Ascendant portrays a similar personality to the strong Leo Sun sign, I am repeating a past article portion on the Leo Sun sign below.

Leo is the second Zodiac sign of the Summer season, so it is no surprise that the “planet” ruling Leo is the Sun, shining most powerfully this time of year, a fiery life force, the center of all. Being in the “center” of the Summer season means Leo is a fixed sign and as symbolized by the proud Lion protecting their lair, they are determined, unchanging, standing royally firm to their beliefs and opinions. Being of the fire element makes Leo intuitive, enthusiastic and passionate.

Our astrology training continues this month with the fifth sign of the Zodiac experience. Now in the teenage phase of the zodiac journey, Leo roars “I will” as they proceed to claim their territory preparing for adulthood. As many teenagers, their inner doubt is veiled by outer vanity or cockiness. Their actual shyness is offset by a confident demeanor and air of superiority. They might appear lazy and withdrawn, but are actually gathering solar energy for or just relaxing after a big hunt. Their above average intellect can result in appearing as know-it-alls.

Like the midday sun, Leo knows how to light up a room with their “sunny dispositions”, proving they are deserving of worship. Leos take prided in parenting their children well, expecting their children to excel and follow in their royal footsteps. Leo children need discipline to reign in their tendency for drama. Like the big hunt, Leos love to shop, as they appreciate and acquire larger and grander objects of status. Leos live life large and fortunately, they are ambitious enough to provide well for selves and family. They desire genuine compliments and truthful flattery, and know a lie when they hear one. They can be deeply hurt by criticism, especially Leo cubs, if not delivered with affection and humor. Firm beliefs developed in childhood are often held onto throughout life.

Leos rule the theater, dramatics and love being the center of attention and are natural actors. Leos rule children and playfulness. They are generous, trusting and loyal friends, expecting loyalty in return. Their fixed quality make them good organizers, giving Leos a sense of needed control over their lives, which can sometimes lead to bossiness.

Leo Sun signs stand out in a crowd with their luxurious manes of hair styled to impress, graceful walk, commanding stance, resonant voices, body generous and shapely. Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis is a great example of the Leo royal essence.

The sign of Leo rules the heart which, like the Sun to our solar system, is a central and powerful life force of each human body. Leo also rules the spine and spinal cord, another important command center of the human body.

Additional Leo traits are encouraging, intuitive, egocentric, naïve, dignified, bombastic, snobbish, arrogant, leadership, charisma, promiscuous, air of royalty, lacking humility, impulsive.

So, now you have read the influence of Leo placement in the new President’s Zodiac natal chart. I believe he receives his ambition and drive from Mars in Leo and his egotistical need to be in the spotlight from his Ascendant in Leo. More next time as we delve further into this natal chart. Until then, may the Sun shine optimistically and the Stars guide us to peace and tolerance.


read more abut Cindy Fadoir here . . .

an edited version of this article will also appear in Star Nations Magazine . . .

Astrologer in Training – The New President

Gemini by Anna Blanchard

Gemini by Anna Blanchard

by Cindy Fadoir

The United States of America has a new president. It’s hard not to think about that fact these days. So, let’s take an astrological look at the new president. President Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946 at 10:45 am in Queens, New York, USA. His Sun, Uranus and North Node are all in the zodiac sign of Gemini. The following is the information I shared, exactly as I shared it years ago, about these planets in Gemini. I find it an interestingly accurate description of Donald Trump. In the following months, I will delve deeper into his chart but for now, I share this important piece of his astrological make-up.

Gemini Sun:

The darting flight of a butterfly symbolize the Gemini mind, gathering information from multiple sources and dispensing thoughts to many. Gemini is the last Zodiac sign of the spring season, also known as early summer. Such is the duality and versatility of Gemini, as symbolized by the Twins and the mutable quality of this air sign.

Our astrology training continues with the third sign of the Zodiac experience. Gemini is the youngster now speaking in full sentences with the help of Mercury, the messenger planet. Paired with the air element of intellect, the youngster is thrilled with learning and knowledge. Thus, the key phrase for Gemini is “I think”. And talkative, curious Gemini want to learn everything and love to share their thoughts and new ideas. However, the thoughts may change as Gemini inquisitiveness results in questioning everything, even their own opinions, causing potential inconsistencies in their communications over time. Gemini are logical, rational and quick thinking. Like the flitting butterfly or the impatient child, Gemini are restless and desire variety. They generally have many projects going at once and have difficulty staying focused to completion. Gemini love to read and anything to do with words. They are more at ease with words and ideas than their emotions.

Gemini are resourceful financially, able to secure funds from various sources and are generous when able. Gemini are often fair but tan easily, energetic and wiry. They have fair hair, slender arms and graceful hands. Their head is often tipped in inquisition. Their eyes are usually anything but brown, as in crystal clear and sparkly blue, hazel, grey or green. Gemini rules the lungs, hands, arms and nervous systems. Other Gemini keywords are communicative, adaptable, restless, inconsistent, intelligent, eloquent, witty, lively, cunning, inquisitive, logical, nervous, superficial, unfocused, and moody.

Gemini Uranus:

Uranus relates to how we manifest personal individuality and humanitarian freedom, and where we experience change as well as upset. Uranus in Gemini is expressed as innovative, inventive and original. Deep restlessness makes it hard to complete projects calling for additional discipline. Habitual life patterns may be broken now. Travel will bring new ideas to the masses.

Gemini North Node

North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius – Effective listening and meaningful sharing lead to inner truth, leaving behind dogma and a need to philosophize.

I hope this enlightens the reader to the planets which guide the very nature of the new president of the USA. All planetary characteristics have positive and negative connotations. You be the judge as to which are being presented to the American people. Until next time, may the nights be clear and blue skies shine on our days.


read more about Cindy Fadoir here . . .

a version of this article may appear in Star Nations Magazine . . .

Astrologer in Training – A New Year’s Message

by Cindy Fadoir

HeadPIC_astrologyReading the New Year’s astrologicial predictions is a tradition of mine. Mostly I look for my Sun sign, Aquarius, but also any overall forecasts for the year ahead. For many years, Heather Roan Robbins has contributed an annual overview to the We’Moon datebooks. This is how I discovered her, her weekly blogs (Starcode) and, eventually, her readings and trainings. We’Moon datebooks also include annual reviews for each Sun sign by Chani Nicholas. Along with their beautiful artwork and poetry, this datebook is my most favorite book to read in January and throughout the year.

I would like to share my New Year tradition with you by sharing a review of the year to come as presented in Heather Roan Robbins’ Starcode blog (December 30, 2016), which can be found in her website This is also paraphrased in the We’Moon 2017 datebook as part of a more extensive ‘Astro-Overview’.

“The astrological patterns of 2017 call for follow-through, innovation, and compassion.”

“Follow through: So many changes have transformed our world over the last five years that we are in a phase of reaction, a spring-back, but do not have to let go of the progress we’ve made. Many souls who contracted for the last chapter are choosing to leave, which can make this a hard transition. Any cultural or legal change, any positive change of personal habit, need to be exercised and guarded until they become a new habit, because these changes will be challenged. We need to follow through on the efforts of the last era as we get started on the new chapter.  And hug our beloveds in the process.”

“Innovation: Look for technological innovation and sociological experiments that stretch and test us as serious Saturn trines, and expansive Jupiter opposes, exciting, chaotic Uranus, now through the fall.   We need to pay attention to the consequences of our actions. This Saturn Uranus trine suggests the first round of changes will move the balance towards conservative saturnine restrictions in the name of security. But we can also use this trine to also build structure and organization into all our agencies of change. Jupiter opposes Uranus show the opposition to the changes expressed by the left, digging in their heels, but the real power will be not in resistance, but in refocusing the changes towards clear, healthy, Uranian-egalitarian, and specific goals.”

“Compassion (Transformation): Things do not settle down this year, the climate and ecosystems continue to change and politics stay in flux around the world. Many people will want steer the changes to benefit their ilk, but we can counterbalance that pressure and take a truly global approach to problem-solving. Jupiter in egalitarian Libra until October encourages us to find our people and work together to build healthy romantic partnerships and social justice allies. Dynamic compassion needs to be our guiding principle.”

“Throughout 2017: Pluto remains in Capricorn transforming how we use electrical, political, and personal power by showing us power at its most oppressive worst- and at its empowering best. Uranus in rebellious, quick-to-fight Aries continues to challenge, sometimes explosively, this power-wielding dynamic. Neptune stays in intuitive, spiritual Pisces and keeps water health, water rights, and wild weather in the headlines. This Neptune feeds our spiritual hunger and need for numinous magic, but it also can feed the religious attachment that creates wars. We need to honor the many paths to spirit.”

And from me personally, I wish you many happy stars, much patience and an abundance of peace in the year ahead.


click here for more about Cindy Fadoir . . .

an edited version of this article will also appear in StarNations magazine . . .

Astrologer in Training – Moon Aspects

by Cindy Fadoir

planetsAs stated in a previous article, aspects helped to fill the missing sections on the paint-by-number portrait of an astrological natal chart, allowing the painting to be brought more sharply into focus.

The zodiac wheel is 360 degrees and each of the twelve Zodiac signs are 30 degrees. There are five Major Aspects commonly used by astrologers, shown as degrees apart by the comparing planets: Conjunction 0 degrees (same sign); Sextile 60 degrees (two signs apart); Square 90 degrees (three signs apart); Trine 120 degrees (four signs apart); Opposition 180 degrees (six signs apart).

Conjunction, Sextile and Trine Aspects are generally considered harmonious or supportive while Squares and Oppositions are considered challenged. Keep in mind that being challenged is not always a bad influence. Sometimes challenges are what get us to step up and face adversity head on. Some might say there are no challenges, only opportunities.

The aspect of the Moon to the Sun has already been discussed in the Moon Phases article. Moon to Sun aspects generally follow Moon phases. In other words, a New Moon means the Sun and Moon are Conjunct and a Full Moon means the Sun and Moon are Opposite. Half Moons are Square. The following are discussions of the rest of the planets in aspect to the Moon.

Moon aspects to Mercury: If born under supporting aspects, your mind and heart work together, home is harmonious, you are quick and witty but need in-depth study to grasp information. If born under challenging aspects, you may tend to focus on the past and what might go wrong. You have trouble shutting off mind for sleep, and you want to be heard but this may interfere with your ability to listen. Any form of stress relief can help with choosing between emotional and logical thoughts.

Moon aspects to Venus: If born under supporting aspects, you are sociable, affectionate, memorable and seductive. Relationships and family are important to you. If born under challenging aspects, you are not secure in yourself. You have charm and people are drawn to you, however social demands make you anxious. To counter the tension, consider being creative and affectionate instead of opting for retail therapy.

Moon aspects to Mars: If born under supporting aspects, you are emotionally courageous and passionate with an ability to stand up for self and weaker others. If born under challenging aspects, you can be moody, intolerant and overbearing. This can make a stern leader but needs to be tempered in personal relationships. Physical activity can help balance the flammable emotions.

Moon aspects to Jupiter: If born under supporting aspects, you are optimistic, trusting and lucky. You may not always respect others’ boundaries and naturally assist others to look for the silver lining. If born under challenging aspects, you are still optimistic but can overdo worry and obsession. Balance can be easily found if you consciously seek it.

Moon aspects to Saturn: If born under supporting aspects, you are a very responsible person and were even as a youngster. You take your responsibilities seriously which may get in way of developing relationships. You are a quick and skilled learner, faithful and reliable. If born under challenging aspects, you are driven to cover your sense of not being enough with accomplishments and possible depression is lurking at every corner. It will not come naturally, but learning to nurture yourself will go a long way to fuel your competence.

Moon aspects to Uranus: If born under supporting aspects, you are intuitive, independent and inventive. You learn in unconventional ways and you think for yourself. It takes work to have patience and connect with different-minded others. If born under challenging aspects, you can be brilliant in an emergency but impulse control escapes you. You are restless and you may sound arrogant to others. You may jump to conclusions and tend to look for greener pastures. Directing this energy toward work may allow for contentment at home.

Moon aspects to Neptune: If born under supporting aspects, you are extremely intuitive and connected with your loved ones. You are compassionate with a tendency toward self-sacrifice. If born under challenging aspects, you are emotionally sensitive and easily overwhelmed. You suffer from unrealistic fantasies or escapism. You may be susceptible to overindulgence so to counter this, stay away from drugs and alcohol and relax with calming bathes and good books.

Moon aspects to Pluto: If born under supportive aspects, you are inwardly intensely emotional and outwardly reserved. Your feelings run deep and you look trouble directly in the eyes. You can help others dig deep and get real. If born under challenging aspects, you are great in a crisis but have little patience for the ordinary world. Defense mechanisms include obsessive-compulsive streak; volcanic or implosive anger; and, solitude or isolation. You are especially triggered by oppression and abuse of the weak but working against these can help calm your soul.

These natal chart aspect descriptions can be tweaked to apply to the daily aspects which occur between the moon and other planets. On a day when the Moon is Square (challenged) to Pluto, we all have some of the same tendencies during that time as the person who was born under that aspect. In other words, we all may have the tendency to be obsessive-compulsive or seek isolation during that moon aspect.

Until next time, may we all have a joyous holiday and may the stars guide us all peacefully into the New Year!


read more about Cindy Fadoir here . . .

a version of the article is also found in Star Nations Magazine . . .

Astrologer in Training – Aspects Revisited

by Cindy Fadoir

planetsBefore we review the meaning behind the Moon in relation to other planets, I thought it best to cover the meaning behind “aspects” in Astrology, as laid out in a past article.

I see my life as a paint-by-number scene where not all the sections are colored in yet. The colors are known but I have not matched the paint pallet to the number yet.  Astrology helps identify the color pallet and my birth chart is the blank picture with numbers in all the right spots. Aspects helped to fill in a few missing sections on the paint-by-number portrait allowing the painting to be more in focus.

How planets are located in “aspect” or relation to each other, on the zodiac wheel, influences how they influence us.  Aspects represent the geometric angles created by the difference of degrees between planets as they move through the heavens or as are placed in the birth chart.  The zodiac wheel is 360 degrees and each of the twelve zodiac sign and each twelve houses are 30 degrees.  If planet Uranus is placed at 15 degrees Leo and planet Mercury is 15 degrees Aquarius, then Uranus and Mercury are exactly 180 degrees apart on the zodiac wheel and considered to be in Opposition astrologically.  There are five Major Aspects commonly used by astrologers: Conjunction 0 degrees; Sextile 60 degrees; Square 90 degrees; Trine 120 degrees; Opposition 180 degrees.

(Note: Not all Aspects are exact.  Aspects are said to have an orb of influence when planet degree differences are plus or minus 5 to 8 degrees of an Aspect angle.)

Conjunction, Sextile and Trine Aspects are generally considered harmonious or supportive while Squares and Oppositions are considered challenged.  Keep in mind that being challenged is not always a bad influence.  Sometimes challenges are what get us to step up and face adversity head on.  Some might say there are no challenges, only opportunities.  The following are the five Major Aspects:

Conjunction: When planets are 0 degrees apart, they are considered mutually enhancing, blended, teammates.  The energies of the two planets are brought together in an immediate way, fused and intense. This is said to be the most powerful of all Aspects which is great when the conjoined planets are compatible, but if not, then stress or challenge is created.

Sextile: When planets are 60 degrees apart, they are considered cooperative, supportive, flowing.  Traditionally an aspect of ease, harmony and lack of tension, Sextile is less powerful then other major aspects. This Aspect is so comfortable that it is less effective and more stressful.  An excess of sextiles in a birth chart might indicate a passivity challenge.

Square: When planets are 90 degrees apart, friction, challenges and tensions will result between the two planets.  The planets will be at cross purposes and might result in forcing an issue.  The influence may be energizing or a blockage may occur depending on the two planets involved.  Fortunately, this may point to the possibility of enormous growth.

Trine: When planets appear 120 degrees apart, they usually involve the same elemental signs therefore result in a harmonious influence, such as planets in Aquarius, Gemini and Libra all air signs. This flowing influence embodies potential and good fortune.

Opposition: As the example shows above, when planets are 180 degrees apart, they are considered to be at odds.  Whether polarized or complementing, there results dynamic tensions.  Compatible energies are invigorated and strengthened.  Compatible energies are found in polarities, such as Gemini and Sagittarius (air and fire) or Taurus and Scorpio (earth and water), which means their elements are different but compatible.  The qualities are therefore often the same, as in Gemini and Sagittarius are both mutable and Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed.  With these compatibilities, the resolution of these oppositions start with at least a compromise.

When like Aspects are grouped together as Aspect Patterns, they result in even stronger astrological influence, enhancing the original aspect.  The most common Aspect Patterns are:

T-square: when two planets are 180 degrees apart (creating an Opposition) and a third planet is about halfway between or 90 degrees apart from the other two planets (creating two Squares).  The third Squaring planet becomes the enhancing challenge in this influence.

Grand Cross (or Grand Square): when four planets are each 90 degrees apart (creating four Squares), then naturally two pairs of planets are 180 degrees apart (creating two Oppositions).  The influence enhances what challenges must be faced in life with potential for great strength and success.

Grand Trine: when three planets are each 120 degrees apart (creating three Trines). The three planets will usually be in signs of the same element and increase the influence of that element.  This influence results in flowing, harmonious energy with tremendous potential and benefit.

This discussion of Aspects can be seen as very mathematical, geometric, and scientific.  During the time when Astrology had a negative image, Astrologers tended to rely on the scientific side with lots of details, rules and parameters.  However, when looked at as an art, the interpretation of a chart can be seen as a hologram of an individual or entity, where the whole is greater than the sum.  By allowing intuition to part of the interpretation is to allow astrology to be a work of art, a painting from the heavens and not just collection of dots, spots and angles.  Now that we have shared the scientific tools of astrology, we can step back and view the whole painting.  Any artwork is really only a group of lines, circles, arcs, waves and angels.  Even astrology charts show what might been seen as a splatter pattern.  Whether fine art or paint-by-number, Astrology is as much art as the Mona Lisa.

Starting next month, we will look closer at this color pallet by delving deeper into the richness of each Zodiac sign.  So rise your brushes, it’s time to paint the sky.


read more about Cindy Fadoir here . . . .

A version of this article will appear in Star Nations Magazine . . . .

Astrologer in Training – Moon Phases

by Cindy Fadoir

moon phasesAs I write this article, the second New Moon of September is approaching. New moons are a powerful time to set our intentions for the month. The second New Moon in a given month is considered a Black Moon. This is the opposite of the second Full Moon in a month which is referred to as a Blue Moon. This phenomenon happens every few years, the next Black Moon will occur in 2019. A Black Moon is just a bit more powerful than a normal New Moon, which may explain why I’m greatly inspired to share with you knowledge that I’ve recently acquired about Moon Phases.

Most of my knowledge on the Moon Phases comes from Heather Roan Robbins book Moon Wisdom (CICO Books, 2015). Robbins describes the Sun as our consciousness and outer structure; whereas the Moon is described as our unconsciousness and inner feelings. The moon is only, but importantly, a reflection of the Sun, our center, our soul.

Robbins describes the lunar cycle elegantly in Moon Wisdom, “The farther the Moon moves away from the Sun in its circle around the Earth, the more light we see reflected. Our night sky, symbolic of our inner world, our subconscious realm, becomes illuminated. Use the lunar energy of the waxing Moon to begin, initiate, plant, increase growth, gain, attract. The wind is in the sails and we can launch a journey. After the Full Moon, as the now waning Moon circles back toward the Sun, it reflects less, and the night grows darker. Instead of instigating new projects, this is a time to integrate, prune, review, complete, amalgamate, sort, come to understanding, and teach what we learned.”

moon wisdom

Since moon phases are a play between the Sun and Moon, lets recap the descriptions of each as previously described in my articles:

Sun: The Sun is the center of our solar system, so it should be no surprise that one key phrase is self-centered or center of attention. Other words relating to the Sun is soul, spirit, life force, personality, outgoing and inner self. The sun naturally rules the sign Leo and the fifth house which influences creativity, children, love affairs.

Moon: The Moon receives its light from the sun and therefore a key word for the Moon is receptive. Other words to describe the Moon are emotions, needs, nurture, reflection and “how” we express emotions. The Moon naturally rules the sign of Cancer and the forth house which influences the home, family, environment and nurture.

The lunar cycle starts with the New Moon, which is seen in the sky as the darkest night of the month with no reflection of the Sun. After a New Moon, while the reflection grows to point of a Full Moon, the cycle is considered to be waxing. A waxing moon is growing in light, from the right to the left as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. So when the Crescent or Half Moon is shining on the right side, then you know it is a waxing moon. After the Full Moon, the reflection lessens from right to left so that the Half or Crescent Moon is shining on the left side. The opposite occurs in the Southern Hemisphere.

From the stand point of the Zodiac chart, a waxing moon moves ahead through the six Zodiac signs from the Sun placement and the Waning moon pulls up behind through the seventh to twelfth Zodiac signs.

When the New Moon occurs, the Moon is closer to the Sun than the Earth. The Moon is conjunct the Sun. Therefore, the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign at the exact New Moon moment.

If you were born under or near a New Moon, you are starting a life of exploration. You have an enthusiasm for life. The heart and mind seem to be without conflict and you easily find that one life purpose you are naturally good at. Given more layers and complexities as you age, you finish what your started.

When the Moon is Full, the Moon is further from the Sun than the Earth. The Moon is opposite the Sun. Therefore, the Sun and Moon are in the opposite Zodiac sign at the exact moment of the Full Moon.

If you were born under or near a Full Moon, opposites feel comfortable. Being with one parent at a time is easier than family gatherings. You may handle conflicts head on but are uncomfortable being near other people arguing. Emotional baggage may hinder relationships. You may need to respect the differences within yourself and strive to find balance in yourself.

When the Moon is showing as a Half Moon (also known as Quarter Moon), the Moon is square the Sun. Square aspects indicate stress between the resulting planets and their Zodiac Signs.

If you were born under or near a Waxing Half Moon, you will have plenty of challenges to build determination. Your parental guides may be quite different from each other. You learn to adjust and adapt by hearing varying viewpoints through your developing years. You make a good debater and advocate. You are a problem solver with a unique approach.

If you were born under or near a Waning Half Moon, you may have an uncomfortable life event during early childhood that gives you reason to develop compassion young. You make a great arbitrator or mediator. You can be very stubborn and not easily swayed. You work hard against the status quo for betterment.

There is much more to know about this Sun and Moon relationship, as well as the relationship between the Moon and other planets. I hope to delve more deeply next time as I indulge my fascination with the reflective Moon. But for now, may the waning Sun highlight the colorful canvas of the great Mother Earth in Autumn and shine on Harvest Moon.


read more about Cindy Fadoir here . . .

an edited version of this article will appear in Star Nations Magazine, read more here . . .

Astrologer in Training – Moon Recap

by Cindy Fadoir

moon phasesI’ve been wanting to learn and share more about the moon phases and the impact on our lives, however, before I write in detail next month, I felt it best to recap the effects of the moon in your natal chart.

The Moon relates to emotions, nurturing, needs, and what makes us feel secure. What follows is a recap of characteristics when born with the moon under that sign. In addition, I included gifts of that natal moon as highlighted in Heather Roan Robbins’ book, Moon Wisdom (CICO Books 2015).

When the natal moon appears in Aries, the energy is expressed as emotionally impulsive and bold. There is a need to stir things up, to start new things, to feel passion or be passionate about things.  Physical activity is craved. There is pride in decisiveness and getting things moving. The energy also appears as being self-absorbed, craving instant gratification and disliking authority. Your gifts are initiation, energy, resilience, spontaneity and strength.

When the natal moon appears in Taurus, emotional security depends on having and maintaining material possessions, needing creature comforts and stability. This can lead to over indulgence, possessiveness and stubbornness. Guard against using your entrenched values as a self-protective wall. Your gifts are steadiness, abundance, cuddliness, good taste and good business sense.

When the natal moon appears in Gemini, emotions may be questioned, analyzed and not trusted. Verbal discussion is desired to sort emotions out or for emotional release. Rational thought often overrides emotional needs. Your gifts are verbal ability, sociability, adaptability, being a natural translator and ability to deepen conversation.

When the natal moon appears in Cancer, having strong family ties, being needed and nurturing are all desired. Psychic abilities and fertility are heightened. The desire to withdraw and side-step, like the Crab, occurs when hurt. Being overly sensitive, moody, worried and needy are all more apparent. Your gifts are community building, heart inspiration, nurturing, intuition, protectiveness and nesting.

When the natal moon appears in Leo, need for recognition, generosity and affection are heightened. The need to be admired, to shine, might be so great as to cause melodramatic behavior like overreacting and excessive vanity. The Leo leadership influence may result in being controlling, dogmatic or bossy. Your gifts are warm heartedness, loyalty, charisma, leadership, panache, heart-centered strength and skill in an emergency.

When the natal moon appears in Virgo, analysis of feelings and emotions occur, a need to be valued for services offered is apparent, and confidence can be lacking. Desires for perfection are directed toward self and home. Your gifts are gut intuition, work ethic, curiosity, writing and listening.

When the natal moon appears in Libra, avoiding discord and seeking harmony brings a feeling of security. A need for equality and partnership is heightened. Emotions are expressed in friendly, diplomatic ways but an overwhelming desire to be liked can result in evasiveness and peace at any price maneuvers. Your gifts are diplomacy, fairness and even handedness, pacifism, natural leadership, artistry and romance.

When the natal moon appears in Scorpio, emotions are focused, introspective and broody. The need for authenticity and boundaries are heightened. Solitude, but not isolation, is needed. Emotions, desires and sensitivities are increased but shown only to those they trust. Guard against being overly secretive or suspicious. Your gifts are depth and complexity, curiosity, concentration, self-direction and primal energy.

When the natal moon appears in Sagittarius, emotions are expressed intellectually, confidently and optimistically. There is a great need for emotional independence. Security is sensed when a right path is chosen, until restlessness drives the search for another path, a greener pasture, possibly in foreign lands. Your gifts are gratitude, cheerfulness, connection with nature, international curiosity and honesty.

When the natal moon appears in Capricorn, expressions of emotions may lack warmth but include wit. Structure, approval and respect is needed for emotional security. Your gifts are leadership, common sense, competitiveness, coolness and architecture.

When the natal moon appears in Aquarius, expressions of emotions are controlled which allows a step back so the big picture can be seen. A sense of freedom, especially of self-expression, is needed to feel secure. Friendships are important. Emotions can change in a flash with bursts of inspiration. Your gifts are networking, farsightedness, extroversion, innovativeness and ability to philosophize.

When the natal moon appears in Pisces, emotions are expressed through intuition yet contradiction, imagination yet deception, compassion yet resistance. Retreating into privacy increases sense of security, guarding against oversensitivity. Artistic expression is strong. Your gifts are charm, psychic sensitivity, perception, lie detection and imagination.

I’m hoping that this knowledge of your natal moon will inspire you to exploit your gifts for the good of all. We are all part of this great story being played out in the world. Your gifts are to be shared and honored. Shine on Moon Glow!


Read more about Cindy Fadoir here . . .

A version of this article will also appear in Star Nations Magazine . . .

Astrologer in Training – The Storyteller

by Cindy Fadoir

Te Ata - 01As many of you know, I live in Traverse City, Michigan and, during the last week of July is the Traverse City Film Festival.  I was so wrapped up with the festival, concentrated on films with female directors and writers this year, as well as about female struggles and triumphs, that I almost forgot to write my article!   I’m glad, too, because on the last day of the Festival, I watched a movie titled Te Ata (TAY’ AH-TAH), a film about the extraordinary life of Chickasaw Nation citizen Mary Thompson Fisher (  The film was written by Chickasaw historian, Jeannie Barbour, and directed by Nathan Frankowski.  This film was not presented as a documentary, but as a full length feature film based on the life of a Native American woman who used her voice and stage presence to keep Native traditions alive by telling the stories through narrative, drumming and song. “I am Te Ata. And I am a storyteller” was a resounding phrase we heard often from the title character. The film covered Te Ata’s life from 1906 at age 10 through 1933 when she performed for President Roosevelt and his guests at his first state dinner. She lived to be almost one hundred years old, passing in 1995. Te Ata is said to mean “Bearer of the Dawn.”  Some accounts say it’s a Chickasaw word and some say it’s a Maori (New Zealand Aboriginal) word for “The Morning.”

My article is not intended to be a film review, but that statement “I am a storyteller” struck a chord with me.   I, as an astrologer, am a storyteller.  Mary Thompson Fisher was born December 3, 1895 in Emet, Chickasaw Nation (now Johnston County, Oklahoma). This means Te Ata was a Sagittarian woman, a fiery, optimistic seeker of truth and teacher who chose to teach about her traditional culture through story and song.  Sagittarians are also expansive, adventurous, playful. They like to commune with nature and animals. They love to travel, especially to foreign lands. They love to laugh, be entertained and will perform to have others join in the merriment.  Also in Sagittarius is Te Ata’s Mercury, the philosophical communicator who craves intellectual challenge. The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius likely influenced her pursuit of higher education in theater and performing arts. Having attended a women’s college in Oklahoma, she went on to Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and eventually appeared on Broadway in New York. Throughout this time, she performed her Native Storytelling as part of a traveling Chautauqu show. For a while, she performed only at private events when U.S. Law would make it illegal to do so in public. She eventually performed in the White House and for the King and Queen of England during their visit to the United States. Shortly thereafter, the law was amended to eliminate references to the bans on cultural dances, such as Te Ata’s performance, as well as the sacred Lakota Sun Dance and other customary practices. The Te Ata’s Sagittarian yearning for foreign travel was met when the Queen of England invited her to perform in England. During her career, she also visited Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Peru, Guatemala, Canada, the Yucatán and Mexico (per Wikipedia).

Te Ata’s Moon, Neptune and Pluto were all in Gemini, an intellectual sign of communication. Moon in Gemini meant she thrived on variety and change which may have been seen in her traveling and teaching across the country in new and varied locations. Neptune in Gemini allows imagination and spiritual issues to be channeled through logic and reasoning which can be seen in how Te Ata taught the Native ways through performance. Pluto in Gemini fosters regeneration through communication, which can be seen as Te Ata’s performances influenced the acceptance of native ways which had been suppressed in the country. Her Venus was in Libra which may be the key to her love of the arts, music and drama. Jupiter in Leo also supports her expression through drama and teaching in foreign lands.

Te Ata’s Mars, Saturn and Uranus are all in Scorpio. Mars in Scorpio results in drive and ambition. It also draws secrecy and formidable enemies into one’s life. Even though her performance of song, dance and drumming may have been seen as illegal by the U.S. Government (a formidable enemy), she continued to perform privately (in secrecy). Saturn in Scorpio can be seen by her bringing the native ways to light and in the open. Uranus in Scorpio is often compelled to bring about change through independence, emotion and intuition.

Astrology maps out the story of your life.  Astrology lays out the basic characteristics but you choose which traits to emphasize. By knowing your astrology, you can consciously downplay your weaker, less beneficial tendencies and play up the stronger traits. In some ways, your birth chart lays out the path to your soul’s desires, the basic drives and direction. The story is written by the stars and the planets, with various potential plot twists and turns. But you are at choice. You are the storyteller. Let your story shine. Be the storyteller of your life!

I hope you enjoyed the look into Te Ata’s life through astrology. I did not have the time of day she was born so I could not see her rising sign, and therefore, her elemental balance or house structure, but you can see there was still much information to garner from her birth date and place. Until next month, may your waters be calm, your air be breezy, your fires be bright and the earth around you be blooming.


click here for more about Cindy Fadoir . . . .

This article will also appear in Star Nations online magazine at